When Travis Fulton wanted more power for his 2017 Race Red Mustang he knew the current twin 60 mm throttle body he was running was a major restriction to his set-up. Wanting a Mustang throttle body that came pre-installed with native electronics and that had good driveability, his upgrade of choice was the VMP 137 monoblade.
We knew it was gonna make great power as the twin 60 mm was just to small for the job. And we were right, Travis states.

Concerned there might be some fitment issues as the new style monoblades just slightly touch the valve cover on the Gen2 and Roush blowers, Travis worked with Justin Starkey at VMP Performance for a solution. Carefully removing the corner of the throttle body, he was able to make it fit over the valve cover and get it mated to the elbow.

With the 137 monoblade bolted onto this S550, Travis was ready to see what gains he’d make. He knew it’d be a good jump over the twin 60, and he was right – picking up an impressive 30+ rwhp with minimal tuning changes.

I knew for sure coming from the 60 mm that I would lose some driveability but at the end of the day this VMP 137 drives like stock. No B.S! Travis excitedly exclaims.

Developed to be extremely user friendly, the VMP 137 monoblade is a great solution for Mustang and F-150 5.0 L owners who want a power boost of a monoblade with better driveability and idle performance than many larger monoblades offer.
VMP’s line of throttle bodies come pre-installed, tested, and set with native electronics. No adapter boxes needed. Simply install the VMP throttle body onto the vehicle and load the proper tune.
Certain he’d lose some driveability compared to the twin 60 mm, Travis was excited to tells us that his S550 with the VMP 137 drives like stock. No bucking /surging/stalling/and more importantly no going into fail-safe mode.
This line of new Monoblades are a true game changer for guys who are looking for a high flowing leave nothing on the table throttle body that has great driveability manners, says Travis.
Running out of fuel, the stock pump was tapped out so they called it a day.
Mods on Travis’ whip:
Roush 2.3 TVS
JLT intake
75 mm GripTec pulley/100 mm idler
Twin 60 mm (upgraded to a VMP 137 monoblade)
GT500 Throttle Body
Id1000 injectors
VMP Fuel Pump Voltage Booster
Full Corsa exhaust
100 Octane (BOOSTane)
Rob Shoemaker with Palm Beach Dyno tune
Want to see more of Travis’s build? Follow his Instagram @datsik_5oh
100 Octane2017 mustangBoostaneCorsa exhaustdyno resultsGen2 MustangGripTec PulleyJLT intakemustangMustang Monoblade throttle bodymustang throttle bodyPalm Beach DynoRace Redrace red mustangRob ShoemakerRoush blowerroush superchargerRoush tvss550Throttle Bodytwin 60 mm throttle bodytwin blade throttle bodyvmpVMP 137VMP 137 MonobladeVMP Fuel Pump Voltage Boostervmp performance